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Barack Obama hates baby shark. And, mommy shark. And, daddy shark. And, ALL OF THE SHARKS!!! Which is why #44 rocked a shark deterrent anklet while paddleboarding in Hawaii!
Check out the device on Obama’s right ankle — it’s called a Sharkbanz and it claims to repel Jaws from snacking on you like a piece of chum!

The Image Direct Composite
Look, shark attacks in Hawaii don’t happen THAT often — but they do happen — and when you’re a former President, you don’t wanna go out like Samuel L. Jackson in “Deep Blue Sea.”
A company spokesperson tells us … the band uses “patented magnetic technology developed by marine biologists to deter predatory shark species.”
In fact, they’ve got a Navy Seal Diver on record crediting the band for saving him from a potential attack … and we all know how much Obama respects the Seals!
The good news for Obama … he didn’t get eaten during his paddleboard session, so maybe it worked!
Safe at last … doo doo doo doo doo doo.