Joe Exotic is making a plea to Americans — enjoy Thanksgiving, and then tell your rep in Congress to pressure the Prez to spring him from the big house.
Joe wrote a long Thanksgiving message, telling folks to enjoy Thanksgiving Day but on Black Friday … ” … please think about the last 3 holidays I have spent in here while all the people that lied to put me here and the people that made money off of films, products and so on with the people that put me here under false pretense enjoy their freedom and their families during the Holidays.”
That said, Joe then makes his pitch … “Please pick up a phone on Monday and call your congressman and ask everyone you know to support asking President Trump to sign my Pardon and make this right so I don’t have to miss another Christmas without my loved ones just as you wouldn’t want to. I would love for some of you that has the power to pick up a phone and contact some pretty influential people to do so, so I could go home before something happens to my father or Dillon.”
TMZ broke the story … Joe’s legal team traveled to D.C. recently to file their pardon application, and the team leader, Eric Love, says they’ve been getting encouraging words back from folks in the seat of power.
Trump‘s in a pardoning mood … he just spared Michael Flynn from serving his prison sentence.
Eric says he’s grateful to Trump and even suggests he and Joe have a lot in common … he’s asking for a pardon, and stat.
As for Joe, he says, “I have faith in my President,” adding, “Those of you who work day and night to get me home, I will owe you my life … I have faith in my God that some how some way this will end.”