April Ryan says members of Congress want President Trump gone before Inauguration Day … and, as of now, their best path to getting it done looks like the 25th Amendment.
The veteran White House correspondent joined us Thursday on “TMZ Live” and told us what she’s hearing from folks on both sides of the aisle — the attempted coup was the last straw, and the only issue now is how they’ll oust Trump.
April says the 25th Amendment is very much in play … which is pretty eye-opening considering invoking it is a tough sell. Remember, Mike Pence and either a majority of Trump’s Cabinet OR two-thirds of both the Senate and the House have to be on board.
April ran down the list of lawmakers coming out against the President … and really painted a picture of how the dynamics in D.C. are drastically changing.

April also told us what Congressional leaders were thinking and feeling as they were being whisked off to an undisclosed location Wednesday with the Capitol under siege … and she tells us why some of the most powerful people in the country were very much afraid.
The clock’s ticking, there are only 13 days until Inauguration Day … and April says Republicans and Democrats are rushing to figure out how best to stand up to Trump and tell him it’s time to go.