Celebrities who own businesses in Texas aren’t ditching mask mandates and COVID safety protocols just because Gov. Greg Abbott says it’s now cool to do so … but there’s a notable outlier.
Gov. Abbott lifted Texas’ statewide mask mandate Tuesday and allowed businesses to go back to full capacity, so we contacted joints with celeb connections to see if they were following suit … and most told us they’re NOT on the same page as the Guv.
Gwyneth Paltrow‘s folks at Blo Blow Dry Bar tell us there are still concerns about the ongoing pandemic and the biz will continue insisting clients wear masks and follow all other safety measures that were already in place.
A bunch of restaurants — Pat Green‘s The Rustic, Guy Fieri‘s Guy’s Taco Joint and Pudge Rodriguez‘s Pudge’s Pizza — tell us they will continue to follow all COVID protocols.
Meanwhile, at the state’s Rock & Brews locations, owned by KISS, customers will have the option to mask up … and there will no longer be capacity limits.
Over at Buddy Valastro‘s bakeries, we’re told there’s been no final decision on going with or against Gov. Abbott … so masks are still required in the meantime.
Randy Rogers is playing a different tune … he’s partnered with ChopShop Live, and the restaurant will follow Abbott’s lead and stop requiring masks or other COVID safety protocols.