President Biden‘s dogs just got the old heave-ho from the White House … sounds like they were too aggressive for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
The Bidens’ 2 German Shepherds, Major and Champ, were shipped back to the family home in Delaware last week following some un-doglike (or maybe doglike) behavior at the White House, including a biting incident.

Major, the 3-year-old pooch Biden adopted from a Delaware animal shelter in 2019, reportedly got his chompers on a member of White House security.
Major’s also said to have been pretty agitated around the residence … allegedly charging, jumping and barking at staff and security.

Champ, meanwhile, seems to be getting the short end of the stick … he’s been sent back to Wilmington too … even though he’s about 13 years old and has slowed down considerably due to his age.
With the German Shepherds out of the White House, the place is going back to how it was under Donald Trump … a no-pet zone.
Unclear if Major and Champ are banished to Delaware for good, or if they’re just in timeout.
Stay tuned.