Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be honored at the midpoint of Women’s History Month … it will be RBG day in the city where she grew up, and there’s a new statue to memorialize the honor.
The statue of the late Supreme Court Justice was unveiled Friday in Brooklyn … the place where she formed her values.

The Prez of Brooklyn Borough, Eric Adams, said, “RBG was clearly a symbol of what’s great about this country and how, when we are inclusive, we can stop the level of exclusiveness that is pervasive throughout this country.”
RBG had a say in the statute — it was designed by Gillie and Marc Schattner while Ruth was still alive, and she gave it her stamp of approval.
As for honoring RBG during Women’s History Month … who better? As a civil rights lawyer, she was the locomotive that propelled women’s rights into the law books of America, and as a Supreme Court Justice, she fought hard to maintain and expand women’s rights as well as the civil rights of others.
Anyone who wants to see the statute, here are the rules. Up to 6 people at a time can reserve 20-minute viewings in City Point, providing they adhere to Covid-19 guidelines, which include mask-wearing and social distancing.