
Play video content Exclusive TMZ.com President Trump‘s trying to keep voters’ eyes off the prize of racial equality — at least that’s how NAACP leader Bishop Talbert Swan is viewing Trump’s latest defunding threat. The President of the NAACP’s Springfield, Massachusetts chapter, joined us Tuesday on “TMZ Live,” and ripped POTUS for threatening to pull
Exclusive Details President Trump not only broke political precedent by holding the Republican National Convention at The White House … he also ran up a fat landscaping bill by damaging the grounds. The South Lawn and iconic Rose Garden were getting a makeover Tuesday, almost 2 weeks after the RNC wrapped up there, reportedly leaving
Exclusive Here’s a shocker for 54 percent of the country … President Trump opened a Bible (that’s not the shocker), signed his name in it, and now the good book could now be worth nearly $40k. There it is. Yes, as Trump would almost certainly put it, you can now buy your “favorite President’s” favorite